Every investor wants to be updated in the development of a company to buy market shares and to the main company financially and now the source of business and technology is newspaper, news channels, websites about business and etc.., accurate time of information will save the investors form heavy financial loss, weather if you do not have proper and exact information about stock markets your company will undergo heavy financial problem.
Google Alerts for Stocks
Nowadays news about small stocks and mid stocks is not easily available but the high stock market can easily be available. Small investors always prefer the small-mid stocks as they have multi-bagger potential, I will prefer google alerts to keep updated about small and mid as well as high stock markets and buying company shares.
Google alerts will monitor the website which are you tracking now and for many reasons, Google Alerts is very useful to us, such as monitoring in real-time, web for specific information about your shares and company, online content, competition or current trends.
Google Stock Alerts
Google alerts is a notification service offered by Google through Gmail. When you create an alert message about not only the stock market but also all things in web surfing these Google alerts send you an alert message when the content is on the website. In simple words, these google alerts will send you an alert message when an important is published about the item you purchased.
Google alerts is one of the most popular versatile tools, Google alerts are just like amazon price tracking tools as they both as doing the same work of sending alert messages but price tracking tools give an alert message when the price of a product is decreased as Google alerts sends an alert message when a change in the article and there is an important message about stock markets and etc.,
Google Finance Alerts
Using google finance alerts you can manage things such as Monitor mentions of your company, Following industry trends, tracking your marketing, Find sources for blog posts and presentations and so on. Here you can delete or add some other alert accounts of google and as you know that Google Alerts is a free service.
You can use google alert messages also for the following usages or tasks
- Company
- Competitors
- Share prices
- Weather warnings
- Technology
- Music
- Health
- Automobiles
- TV
- International news, politics and so on
Why Google Alerts is the Best
The main point in using this Google Alerts is to update ourselves in real time about stock markets and etc. purposes as you know that Google directly delivers the relevant news to your email and monitor your alerts at real time and sends alerted messages at real time, so there is no wastage of time, or if you missed news in a website or a news channel it is too hard track it after few days to see it again so that it is easy to get alert message easily with giving total matter about it. By this alert message you can keep update and saves the company from severe financial loss.
How to Setup Google Alerts
Brief explanation about how to set up google alerts, first sign in into your google account and then go to the google alerts home page or official portal and search for a topic example ‘Reliance Jio’ and then make a click on ‘create an alert’. And detailed information and process is given below –
Steps to Setup for Google Alerts
- First of all sign in to your Gmail account with your login and passwords.
- Then open the given URL ‘https://www.google.co.in/alerts’.
- And then a page will be displayed with heading of ‘Alerts’.
- Then search for the topic which you want to make alert messages and then make click on create alert after search.
- Here you can manage alert messages by clicking on ‘show options’ as shown the below picture.
- Under ‘show options’ section some options will be displayed such as “how often , Sources, Language, Region, How many, Deliver to”.
- Select “How often” you want to get alerts, under these three options will be there “As it happens”, “At most once a day” and “At most once a week”.
- And then select the language and region in which you want to get an alert message.
- Select the email address to which email you want to get alert messages.
- Then make click on the ‘Create Alert’ button.
- Repeat this process for all the topics for which you want to make alert messages.
How to delete an alert on Google Alerts
First of all sign in to your Gmail account and then open the Google Alerts Portal and then make click on the Delete symbol under the My Alerts section on clicking on the delete symbol will be deleted automatically from your alerts list. Detailed information or process is given below –
- Open the given URL ‘https://www.google.co.in/alerts’.
- Then click on ‘Delete’ symbol under ‘My Alerts’ section.
- On clicking on the delete symbol it will be delegated.
And alerts are stopped to that search.
How to edit or modify a Google Alert
First of all sign in to your Gmail account and then open the Google Alerts Portal and then make click on the edit symbol under the My Alerts section. And then edit the topics which you want then click on update changes. Then your changes will be applied to the alert. Detailed information or process is given below –
- Open the given URL ‘https://www.google.co.in/alerts’.
- Next to an alert, click Edit Edit.
- Then click on ‘Edit’ symbol under ‘My Alerts’ section.
- Then change your settings and then click on the update settings button.
- On Click ‘Update Alert’ alert change will be changed.
Advantages of using Google Alerts
There are lots of advantages to these Google alerts mainly for investors and companies. Some important advantages are listed below.
- Monitor mentions of your company.
- Follow industry trends.
- Track your marketing.
- Find sources for blog posts and presentations.
- Real-time monitoring.
- It (Google Alerts) is a free service.
- You can create, edit or delete Google Alerts.
- Anytime when you are free, you are able to read all news in your email.
- Sends notifications in real time.
- You can read all the notification alerts at any were any time.