Banglarbhumi Plot Information by Query Number for West Bengal State Land Record Plot Information Details at…
Banglarbhumi has made sure all the land reforms and acts have been initiated in West Bengal. In that aspect, all the plot information available has been digitized which you can find through this website directly.
Banglarbhumi Plot information
But sometimes you might not have accurate information or else you may have the query number which you have used previously as well. Here Banglarbhumi Land Information Query is a question or grievance that has been submitted to the Banglarbhumi, which you can use in the future in order to find the status or else more plot information from it directly. Khaitan
In this guide, we will show you how you can easily access the Banglarbhumi Land Information search and then get the information that you need through this page directly.
Banglarbhumi Land Information Search by Query Number
If you are using Banglarbhumi then it is to be noted that there are more than a few ways to search for the plot, land, or property information and one of them is to make use of the Banglarbhumi Land Information Query search page and below are the instructions for that.
- Open your browser and go to the Banglarbhumi official website from here and then click on SIGN IN button, to sign in with your account details
- After that click on the Query Search option on the top menu section and then this will redirect by reloading the page to search with the query number
- On the next page, you have to enter your Query Number and the Query Year after that enter the captcha from the image and then click on the show button
- Once done the results will be shown on the next page for the query number that you have got with all the information pertaining to the land, plot or the property record

Finally, you have now got to learn how simple it is to make use of your query number in order for the information for the plot number or the property or land using their Search Query.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I search for plot information if I do not have the Query number?
Yes, if you do not have the query number pertaining to land, property or plot then you can simply use the Know Your Property option from the same top menu to find details easily.
Where to find the old Query receipts in Banglarbhumi?
If you have lost your query receipt along with the query application number then you might not be able to find the information. But you can Sign in to your account and then look through the Query section where you can find all the old query receipts that you may have used.
Can I find other plot information via the Query Search?
No, this is not possible to do as the Banglarbhumi official website is only intended to be used for those people who have their own land, property, or plot. And even if you do not have any of such, you cannot use the query search since it will require the query application number to find the details further.