How to Use Dark Theme in Google Bard

Google Bard now supports a Light or Dark theme. Because of this new feature, Google Bard is now easier to use at night or in full darkness. The dark mode theme uses a black backdrop and light lettering, making it easier for the eyes.

As a result, the user’s appearance becomes more attractive and present. Google continues to be working to enhance the user experience, and one of the most recent changes is the addition of Google Bard Dark Mode to its features. This simple guide will explain what Google Bard is, how it is useful, and how to activate dark mode on this new system.

Google Bard Dark Mode

Google Bard is the latest Google AI product that looks for ways to enhance the user experience when browsing search results. While users are surfing on their phones, it shows as a search bar at the bottom of the display. The purpose of Google Bard is to let people do searches without leaving the website or application they are presently using.

You’ll find many advantages to utilizing Google Bard Dark Mode. For starters, it drops the strain on your eyes while using your smartphone or tablet in low-light conditions. The dark color combination also proves less visually appealing and will help you focus on the information you are seeing.

Also, choosing dark mode on your smartphone or tablet may help save your battery life because darker colors use less power to show compared to brighter colors.

Dark Theme in Google Bard
Dark Theme in Google Bard

How to Switch Google Bard Dark Mode on PC/Laptop

Google Bard maintains your theme option when you move between light and dark modes. When you return to the website on your computer, the theme will be shown by default. To enable Dark Mode on your PC or Laptop, follow the instructions below.

  1. Open Google Bard on your most used browser on your computer or laptop and go to the website link
  2. Sign in to your Google Bard.
  3. After properly signing in, look for the text “Dark mode” in the bottom left-hand corner.
  4. By clicking on it, you may enable the Dark Mode theme. The dark theme is enabled and will continue to be active until you disable it.

How to Enable/Disable Google Bard Dark Mode on Android

There is no official Google Bard Android application; you have to use your mobile browser to access it. Follow these steps to turn on the dark mode of Google Bard on Android mobile.

  1. Open your favorite browser on your Android mobile or tablet.
  2. Go to Google Bard’s official website link
  3. Sign in using your email address and your Google Bard account.
  4. Once having signed in, drag your mouse over the hamburger-style menu symbol.
  5. The menu options will appear on the screen.
  6. Look for the option “Dark mode” at the bottom of the display.
  7. Now the screen is going to dark mode and keeps that way until you switch back to light mode.

How to ON/OFF Google Bard Dark Mode on iPhone/iPad

The steps needed for activating the dark mode on iPhone are the same as those for Android. You must use a browser to access it. Follow these instructions to enable Google Bard dark mode on your iPhone.

  1. Open the Google Bard website link on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. To access the Menu, click the Menu symbol (three bars) in the upper left corner of the display.
  3. Go down once you see the option to select Dark mode.
  4. To turn on dark mode, click on it.
  5. The dark mode theme will be visible until you switch back to the light mode theme.
  1. How to Use Google Bard’s Dark Theme?

    You may use dark mode in Google Bard by changing your settings or by using the Google Bard extension.

  2. Is Google Bard’s dark mode better for the eyes?

    Dark mode can make viewing more pleasant for everyone, particularly in low-light situations. Dark mode decreases the level of bright light shown by the screen by utilizing a dark color system, which can help decrease eye strain and tiredness.

  3. Is there a dark mode in Bard?

    Go to the link on your Android phone or tablet. When the menu is hidden from view, press Menu in the upper left. Change the color style at the bottom left and click dark theme if you want a dark theme.

  4. Can I change Bard Dark mode to white or blue?

    You may access Bard through your mobile device, iPhone, laptop, PC, or iPad. Go to settings and choose the “light theme” option.

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