Voicemail is a useful feature that allows callers to leave voice messages when they are unable to answer the phone. However, accessing your voicemail requires a password or PIN for security purposes. If you forget your voicemail password, you may be unable to access your messages, which can be frustrating.
Forgot Voicemail Password
Forgetting your voicemail password is a common issue that many people face. It can happen for various reasons, such as not using the voicemail feature frequently, using different passwords for different accounts, or simply forgetting the password due to memory lapse. Whatever the reason may be, It is irritating to forget your voicemail password, but it is not a serious issue.
The process may vary depending on your carrier or service provider, but in most cases, you can reset your voicemail password by following a few simple steps in this simple guide. This typically involves contacting your carrier’s customer support team, providing some basic information to verify your identity, and following the prompts to reset your password.
It’s essential to note that resetting your voicemail password may involve some security risks. Therefore, it’s crucial to take precautions to protect your personal information and prevent unauthorized access to your voicemail account. This includes using a strong and unique password, avoiding sharing your password with others, and regularly changing your password to keep your account secure.

How to Forgot Voicemail Password on iPhone
If you have forgotten your voicemail password on your iPhone, resetting it is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can do it:
- Launch the Phone app on your iPhone and select the “Voicemail” tab located at the bottom of the screen.
- Tap on “Set Up Now” and follow the on-screen prompts to create a new voicemail password.
- If you previously set up a voicemail password but cannot recall it, select “Forgot Password” and follow the instructions to reset it.
- If asked, provide your iCloud password to authenticate your identity.
- After successfully resetting your voicemail password, you can utilize the new password to access your voicemail messages.
Keep in mind that the process of resetting your voicemail password on your iPhone may vary based on your service provider. If you encounter any problems or are unsure of the steps, don’t hesitate to contact your carrier’s customer support team for assistance.
How to Recover/Reset Voicemail Password on Android
- Launch your Phone app and tap on the three dots at the top right corner of the screen.
- Select “Settings” from the dropdown menu.
- Scroll down and choose “Voicemail” or “Visual Voicemail“, depending on your phone’s settings.
- Tap on “Advanced Settings“.
- Select “Setup” or “Reset Password” based on available options.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to create or reset your old password.
- Once you have successfully reset your voicemail password, you can use the new password to access your voicemail messages.
What Can I Do If I Forgot My Voicemail Password?
Forgetting your voicemail password can be frustrating, but there are several options available to help you regain access to your voicemail:
- Check for Default Passwords: If you have not changed your voicemail password from the default one provided by your carrier, try entering the default password. You can find this information on your carrier’s website or by contacting their customer support.
- Use your carrier’s Automated System: Most carriers offer an automated system to reset your voicemail password. Call your carrier’s customer support number, follow the prompts, and enter the necessary information to verify your account. You should then be able to reset your voicemail password.
- Contact Customer Support: If the automated system does not work, contact your carrier’s customer support team. They will ask you some questions to verify your identity and provide instructions on resetting your voicemail password.
- Reset the Password using your Phone’s Settings: Depending on your phone’s operating system and your carrier, you may be able to reset your voicemail password by going to your phone’s settings. Navigate to the “Voicemail” or “Phone” settings, and then follow the instructions to reset your voicemail password.
- Reset your Phone: As a final step, you may need to reset your phone to its factory settings. Remember that this will erase all data on your phone, including your voicemail password. Therefore, make sure to back up important data before resetting your phone.
How to Reset Your Voicemail Password With AT&T
- Contact AT&T customer service: Use your AT&T mobile phone to dial 611 or call 1-800-331-0500 from any phone.
- Verify your account: To validate your account, follow the steps given. This may involve providing your AT&T mobile phone number and the last four digits of your Social Security number (SSN).
- Reset your password: Once you have verified your account, you can reset your voicemail password. Simply follow the prompts to create a new password. Remember to use a strong distinctive password.
- Test your new password: Call your AT&T voicemail and enter your new password when prompted. If you can access your voicemail successfully, then your new password has been set.
How to Reset Your Voicemail Password With Verizon
- Launch the voicemail app on your device. This app may come pre-installed on your device, or you may need to download it from your app store.
- Tap on the “More” button located at the bottom-right corner of the app interface. Choose the “Settings” option from the list of available choices.
- The app may ask you to verify your identity before proceeding with the voicemail password reset process. You may be required to enter your device password, use fingerprint unlock, or use Face ID.
- Once you have verified your identity, locate the “Security” tab in the app settings and tap on “Manage Voicemail Password“.
- The app will prompt you to enter the necessary details to reset your voicemail password. These details may include your phone number, account PIN, or other identifying information.
- Once you have entered the required details, click on the “Update” button to proceed.
- You will then be asked to enter a new password for your voicemail account. The password should be 4-7 digits long and should not include repeating or consecutive numbers. Select a password that you can easily remember, but is challenging for others to figure out.
- After entering the new password, you will be asked to confirm it to activate the new password. Once you confirm the new password, you should be able to access your voicemail messages using the new password.
How to Reset Your Voicemail Password With Tracfone
- Dial your voicemail number, which is usually your phone number with an added or removed digit. For Tracfone, dial *86 to access your voicemail.
- Press the “*” key on your phone when prompted to enter your voicemail password.
- Look for the option to reset your password, which may be labelled differently depending on your device. Use your phone’s keypad to select this option.
- Follow the on-screen prompts to reset your voicemail password. You might be requested to provide certain personal details to authenticate your identity.
- Choose a new password that is easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess. Avoid using consecutive or repeating numbers.
- Confirm your new password when prompted.
- Hang up the phone and dial your voicemail number again. Enter your new password when prompted to access your voicemail messages.
How to Reset Your Voicemail Password With T-Mobile
- To reset your T-Mobile voicemail password, start by dialling your T-Mobile voicemail by holding down the “1” key on your phone’s dial pad or by calling your phone number. When prompted, enter your current voicemail password. If you have forgotten it, select the option to reset your password.
- T-Mobile may then ask you to enter personal information to verify your identity. This is a typical security measure that keeps safeguarding your account. You may be asked to provide your T-Mobile account number, phone number, social security number, or other identifying information.
- Once you have verified your identity, you can choose a new password for your voicemail account. It’s important to select a password that you can easily remember but is challenging for others to figure out. Avoid using consecutive or repeating numbers, and consider using a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols for added security.
- After selecting your new password, confirm it when prompted. Then, hang up the phone and call your voicemail again. Enter your new password when prompted to access your voicemail messages.
- If you encounter any issues while resetting your T-Mobile voicemail password, you can contact T-Mobile customer support for assistance. They will be happy to help you reset your password and regain access to your voicemail messages.
How to Reset a Voicemail Password With Other Carriers
- Contact your carrier’s Customer Support Team: Call your carrier’s customer support phone number. Explain that you need to reset your voicemail password.
- Verify your identity: Your carrier’s customer support team may ask you to provide some basic information to verify your identity. This could include your account number, phone number, or other personal information.
- Reset your password: Once your identity has been verified, your carrier’s customer support team should be able to reset your voicemail password for you. They may guide you through the process over the phone or send you a link or an email with instructions on resetting your password.
- Choose a new password: When resetting your voicemail password, choose a strong and unique password. To make your password more complex, avoid using commonly used words or phrases and instead use a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.
- Confirm your new password: After choosing your new password, confirm it when prompted. This will ensure that you have entered the password correctly and can access your voicemail messages.
Can I Reset My Voicemail Password Online?
Some carriers may allow you to reset your voicemail password from their website or mobile app. This may not be accessible for all carriers, so check with your carrier’s customer service staff to see what choices are available.
What information do I need to Reset My Voicemail Password?
You may be prompted to supply some basic information to verify your identity while changing your voicemail password. Your account number, phone number, or other sensitive information might be included.
How long does it take to Reset a Voicemail Password?
The time it takes to reset a voicemail password varies based on your carrier and the availability of their customer service associates. You may be able to reset your password instantly in some circumstances, but it may take a few hours or even a day or two in others.
How Often Should I Change My Voicemail Password?
It’s a good idea to update your voicemail password regularly and maintain it every six months to a year. This can aid in the security of your voicemail account and prevent unauthorized access.