Banglarbhumi Khatian & Plot Information Search or View Land Records for West Bengal State at…
BanglarBhumi is well known all across West Bengal which allows its registered citizens on the website to take a look at all the land reforms, land information by plot, or Khaitan as well.
Know Your Property is one of the features that are the main part of the BanglarBhumi website because through this you will be able to search or view Khatian & Plot Information along with all the information someone might need or require for their land, property, or building records.
Banglarbhumi Khatian
This page is also called “KHATIAN & PLOT INFORMATION” which means you can view the Khatian number and the plot number information through this page.
At the end of the day, Banglarbhumi is essentially required in order for citizens of West Bengal in order to check the land records and through the below steps you can learn how easy it is to view the land records from their website.
Banglarbhumi Khatian & Plot Information
Firstly make sure that you have already created an account at the West Bengal Land reforms and management department official website and then you can check Banglarbhumi Khatian & Plot Information. If you have your login credentials, then log in to your account and follow the instructions below.

- Open the BanglarBhumi official website from and then sign in with your account details by clicking on the SIGN IN button.
- Then click on the Know Your Property button on the top menu section of the website and it will reload to a new page called “KHATIAN & PLOT INFORMATION”.
- Under this page, you will have all the information that has been asked for as per the instructions below.
- District: Enter your district name here.
- Block: Enter your address with the block location here.
- Mouza: Enter the Mouza details here.
- Then under the Options side, you will have to fill in the below said information as well.
- Select either “Search by Khatian” or else select “Search by Plot” option
- And in both cases, you have to enter the number below and after that enter the captcha from the image.
- Once done you have to click on the View option and this will reload the page to show your Banglarbhumi Khatian or Plot information as requested!.
In this way, you will be able to simply know the information about the land records or the property by the Khatian number and the plot number as well.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I check the land record information by only the address line?
No, you cannot get the correct land record information just by using the address line because the requirement for the land record information to be processed is for users to enter the district, block, mouza along with either Khatian or plot number.
Can I check Banglarbhumi land records without an account login?
Yes, you can check the land record information either by logging or without logging in as well. But it is always recommended to have your account created because it would be useful for further information lookup through the Banglarbhumi official website.