How to Enable and Use Screen Distance on iPhone & iPad

Instead of making big changes this year, Apple has concentrated on introducing features to enhance the entire user experience. Screen Distance, which reminds you to hold your iPhone or iPad at a certain distance, is one of the most underappreciated iOS 17 improvements.

This function is intended for users who use their iPhone or iPad very near to their eyes. Parents pay attention: it’s time to learn about the iOS 17 feature called Screen Distance and how you may utilize it to lessen eye strain.

What is the Screen Distance Feature in iOS 17?

In order to help users prevent eye strain and myopia risks, Apple included a Screen Distance function in iOS 17’s new health features. The function will utilize Face ID’s TrueDepth camera to gauge the distance between your face and the iPhone.

The iPhone will prompt you to step away from the screen if Screen Distance notices that you have been holding it closer than 12 inches (30 centimetres) for a lengthy period of time. The message “iPhone is Too Close” will appear on your screen along with a recommendation to hold the device at arm’s length to protect your vision when your device finds that it is being held less than 12 inches away from your face.

Enable and Use Screen Distance on iPhone
Enable and Use Screen Distance on iPhone.

Only by holding your smartphone farther away can you hide this message from view. Your iPhone needs should show a Continue button when it notices that your face has moved away from the screen, which returns you to the previous screen when clicked.

How to Enable Screen Distance on iPhone/iPad

  1. Make sure iOS 17 has been loaded on your iPhone by going to Settings > General > Software Update before you can set Screen Distance on your device.
  2. For your iPhone to activate Screen Distance, open the Settings app.
  3. Choose Screen Time from the Settings menu’s lower section.
  4. When the Screen Time screen displays, choose Screen Distance by tapping the button next to “Limit Usage“.
  5. The Screen Distance welcome screen, which introduces this function, should appear if you are utilizing this option for the first time. To move forward, tap Continue at the bottom.
  6. The minimal distance you must keep from your iPhone is specified on the screen that follows, according to iOS, along with how Screen Distance works. To proceed, choose Turn On Screen Distance at the bottom of the setup box.
  7. Your iPhone has now turned on Screen Distance, and the toggle for it has to be turned on.
  1. How can I enable screen distance on my iPhone?

    The function is by default off; to enable it, navigate to Settings – Screen Time – Screen Distance and hit the corresponding option on the right. You shouldn’t be concerned if the feature is overly aggressive.

  2. Which gadgets allow for screen distance?

    Only Face ID-equipped iPhones, and iPads support Screen Distance. As a result, older devices that predate the iPhone 8 are incompatible with the functionality. Additionally, iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 developer betas are the only versions of the software that presently support Screen Distance. The release of these operating systems’ final versions is anticipated for the autumn.

  3. What Justifies Screen Distance?

    The screen distance option is crucial for parents who wish to safeguard their kids’ vision. Children’s myopia is an increasing issue, and spending too much time in front of screens is a big risk factor. Parents may lower their children’s chance of acquiring myopia later in life by utilizing Screen Distance to help them form good screen habits.

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