Pay Bills online using your Walmart money card is the simplest way, and it helps you to make timely payments without worries by scheduling frequent bills. Walmart MoneyCard rewards you for store purchases and bill payments as cashback offers. One of the services offered by Walmart’s money card is the ability to pay bills online. The online bill pay service lets you pay your bills from the comfort of your home, anytime and anywhere.
The online bill pay service is fast, easy to use and secure. It eliminates the need for writing checks or visiting physical offices to pay bills, saving you time and money. This article will provide step-by-step instructions on paying bills online using a Walmart money card and highlight the benefits of using this service.
Walmart MoneyCard Pay Bills
Walmart MoneyCard simplifies bill payments anywhere just in a few steps. Users of the moneycard can playbills at any store or other utilities using the moneycard. The Walmart Money Card is a prepaid debit card that can be used for everyday purchases, online transactions, ATM withdrawals, and bill payments.
Walmart MoneyCard bill payment system allows you to make schedule your frequent payments. Also, it allows you to change or modify the scheduled bill payment anytime by using the edit option. Cancelling a bill payment is also possible for your scheduled payments by logging into your account on the mobile app or website.
The Walmart Money Card bill provides essential information, including the current balance, recent transactions, fees, due dates, and minimum payment required. Customers can access their bills online or through the mobile app. Making timely payments can help users maintain good credit scores and avoid late fees or interest charges.

Walmart MoneyCard Bill Payment Online
To pay your bills with Walmart MoneyCard online using a Windows PC/Laptop or Mac device, follow these steps:
Make a Bill Payment Without Sign In
- Open a web browser on your computer, like Google Chrome or Firefox.
- Go to the official Walmart MoneyCard Bill Payment page at “”
- Now you have seen a request form for your bill payment.
- Fulfill the form by providing complete information about your bill payment and submit it by following instructions.
Make a Bill by logging in to your Account
- Sign in to your MoneyCard Account and go to the ‘Pay a Bill‘ tab.
- Select the bill where you’d like to send the payment.
- Carefully check the details about the bill payment, such as the amount you want to pay and the recipient’s billing information.
- Now select ‘Confirm‘ to send the payment.
- After successful payment, you will get transaction details and a receipt for the paid bill.
Walmart Moneycard Bill Payment through the App
Bill payments through Walmart Money Card App are also easy to process using your Android Smartphone or iPhone; follow the steps below:
- Open the app and enter your account using the username and password.
- The “Pay a Bill” option is on the main screen. Tap on it.
- Select the receiver or add where you’d like to send the payment.
- Review your payment details and submit the payment.
- Once your payment is processed, you will receive a confirmation with transaction details about the completed bill payment.
How Can I Modify or Cancel A Bill Payment on Walmart MoneyCard
Changes or Modifications or Complete cancellation of the Bill Payment is very simple on Walmart MoneyCard if you have scheduled; the following steps guide you through simply editing or cancelling a bill payment.
- Go to your Walmart MonyCard Account online or by Launching their Mobile App.
- Login into your account and Select Pay, then find Find the transaction you’d like to change by reviewing the list of Scheduled Payments.
- You can also modify the bill payment by checking your Recent History online or on the app.
- Select Edit to change the payment as per your interest or Cancel the payment altogether.
How to Pay Walmart MoneyCard Bill Payment Offline
You have a few options to pay your Walmart MoneyCard bill Offline. Here are some standard offline methods you can use to make your bill payment:
- Visit a nearby Walmart store and visit the MoneyCard customer service desk. Inform the representative that you would like to make a bill payment for your Walmart MoneyCard. Please give them your account information and pay in cash or using a debit card.
- You can use the Walmart Rapid Reload service at participating stores if you have cash. Visit the MoneyCenter or customer service desk, provide your Walmart MoneyCard, and load the desired amount onto your card. Ensure that you have enough funds loaded to cover your bill payment.
- When using offline payment methods, it’s essential to allow enough time for the payment to reach Walmart MoneyCard and be processed before the due date. Keep copies of receipts, money order stubs, or any other proof of payment for your records. If you have questions or need further assistance, contact Walmart MoneyCard customer support for guidance.
- Write a personal check to a MoneyGram money order payable to Walmart MoneyCard. Include your account information on the memo line or as instructed. Mail the payment to the address provided by Walmart MoneyCard or deliver it in person to a Walmart MoneyCenter or customer service desk.
How long will it take for a payment to be delivered using Walmart MoneyCard?
Electronic payments sent before 1 pm ET will take 2-3 business days. Any checks we mail for you will be delivered in about five business days. The delivery date for payment will be determined by the day you choose for the payment to be sent.
How do I know my bill was paid on Walmart MoneyCard?
You’ll see a congratulatory message appear when you successfully make a payment. The app or website can easily track all pending and posted transactions.
Can I schedule automatic bill payments with Walmart MoneyCard?
Yes, Walmart MoneyCard usually provides the option to set up automatic bill payments. You can schedule recurring payments for specific dates or intervals, ensuring your bills are paid on time.
Is there a fee for paying a Walmart MoneyCard bill online?
Walmart MoneyCard may charge a fee for specific payment methods, such as using a credit/debit card. However, paying directly from your MoneyCard account balance or linking to a bank account is often free. Check the fee schedule on the website for more details.
What should I do if I make a mistake in my online bill payment?
If you made a mistake in your online bill payment, contact Walmart MoneyCard customer support for assistance. They can guide correcting or taking the necessary steps to resolve the error.
Can I Set Up Recurring Payments on Walmart MoneyCard
Of course! When paying a bill, “Select a payment frequency” and tell us how often to repeat the payment (weekly, every other week, or monthly).