Knowing your Mastercard gift card balance is important for a good shopping experience. It is essential to check the currently available balance on your Mastercard gift card regularly. Be aware of your balance to ensure a seamless shopping experience and avoid any critical situations where the card is declined due to insufficient balance. Checking the balance on a Mastercard gift card is a straightforward process that typically involves visiting the Mastercard gift card website or calling the customer service helpline.
Mastercard Gift Card Balance
A Mastercard gift card balance is a prepaid card and the balance check is necessary to know the currently available fund balance on the card. The Mastercard has provided various online and offline methods to track the available balance on your gift card.
Mastercard Gift Card Balance Check
To check the balance on your Mastercard gift card, you can use the following methods:
- Online Balance Inquiry at the Mastercard gift card website.
- By visiting a nearby store.
- Contact Mastercard’s Customer Support.
- Through Mastercard Mobile App.

Mastercard Gift Card Balance Check Online
Checking your Mastercard Gift Card balance online is a convenient way to keep track of the money available on your gift card. Follow the simple steps:
- Open the web browser and visit the official website of Mastercard Gift Card at
- Look for the “Check Balance” option on the Mastercard Gift Card website or Navigate to the balance check page by clicking on this link
- Enter your gift card details, like your 16-digit card number, expiration date, and CVV code located on the back of your Mastercard Gift Card.
- Double-check the details before clicking on the “Continue” button.
- The website will then display the current balance on your Mastercard Gift Card.
Mastercard Gift Card Balance Check at a Store
Checking your Mastercard Gift Card balance in-store Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do it:
- To check your balance of the Master gift card at the store, carry your physical gift card with you.
- While you are in the store, contact the storekeeper or cashier.
- Tell the cashier that you would like to check the balance on your Mastercard gift card.
- The cashier will swipe the card. After swiping the card, the cashier will check and display the remaining balance on your gift card.
Mastercard Gift Card Balance Check over the Phone
Checking your Mastercard Gift Card balance over the phone, here is a step-by-step guide on how to do it:
- Take your Mastercard Gift Card and check on the back, it has a customer service phone number. Otherwise, go to the official website of Mastercard Gift Card, where you can find the customer service number.
- Dial the Mastercard gift card helpline number 18336233266 by using your phone.
- Now that the call is connected to an automated system, their instructions are given.
- Enter your card number, CVV number, and expiration date.
- The automated system will tell you the balance left on your card.
- Carefully listen to the available balance information provided by the automated system.
- Make a note of the balance amount for your reference.
How do I check the remaining balance on my Mastercard gift card?
You can check your Mastercard Gift Card balance online at and give the details for the balance check. Alternatively, you can call the customer service number on the back of the card at 1-833-623-3266 or check it in-store when purchasing.
Do I need to register my gift card before checking the balance?
In most cases, you do not need to register your gift card to check the balance. You can usually check the balance using the card number and other details provided on the card itself. However, registering your card gives you security and protection if the card is lost or stolen.
Can I check the balance of an expired Mastercard gift card?
Once a Mastercard gift card has expired, it may no longer be valid for purchases. However, you may still be able to check the remaining balance by calling customer service. Keep in mind that some expired cards do not provide balance information.
Is it possible to check my gift card balance in a store without making a purchase?
Yes, you can usually check your gift card balance in-store without purchasing. Just approach the cashier and let them know you would like to check your balance. They will help you to confirm how much amount of money is left on your gift card.
Can I check my gift card balance on my mobile device?
Yes, many gift card issuers offer mobile apps or mobile-friendly websites that allow you to check your Mastercard Gift Card balance from your smartphone or tablet. Check the issuer’s website for information on their mobile services.