Jury Duty is a service offered by citizens on legal trials without training. Resembles series acted in front of Ronald Gladden, the only juror not knowing the whole case is fake. Jury duty typically lasts ten working days, and there is no payment for participating in it unless you lose your earnings. When you receive a jury summon, you should respond within seven days for confirmation of attendance. It involves 12 people to decide on a trial’s outcome.
Jury Act allows jurors to request for excuse or exemption from jury duty under several circumstances. To apply for an exemption or excuse, you should provide detailed proof for the sheriffs to decide whether to deny or grant you the request. Request for exemption can be made online by using the Court Services eResponse website and sending the request via email or mail. On completing the jury certificate form attached to the jury form, you mail it with the envelope provided.
One can miss taking part in jury service legally for the following reasons:
Get off Jury Duty due to Disqualification
Disqualification is the simplest way to get out of jury duty. To qualify to partake on the jury, you have to meet the following specifications; otherwise, you disqualify:
- The range of age should be 18+ years.
- Should be a citizen of the United States.
- One should be of virtues and sound mind.
- Have the ability to read and write.
- The person should reside in the state and country which is to participate as a juror.
- You should not have participated in jury duty for six days in the preceding three months in the county court.
- Qualification under the Constitution and the laws to vote in this county, you partake the jury duty.
- Should not be under the accusation or conviction of a felony.

Due to Exemption
One may claim an exemption to leave jury duty despite being qualified. This means that you can decide not to partake in the duty. The exemption is possible for:
- People beyond 70 years of age.
- Persons past the age of 70 years are exempted from participating in jury service.
- In Parliament.
- House of Commons members.
- Peers and peeresses who receive writs of summons for Lords’ House.
- Northern Ireland Assembly.
- Northern Ireland Assembly members.
- Officials and servants of the Northern Ireland Assembly.
- In the Scottish Parliament and Executive.
- Scottish Parliament members.
- Members belonging to Scottish Executive.
- Junior Scottish Ministers.
- On European Parliament.
- Members entitled to European Parliament.
- For Public officers.
- Schools’ inspectors.
- Scotland’s Auditor General.
- Northern Ireland Audit Office’s secretary and any Director.
- Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) officers appointed by Commissioners
- The religious bodies.
- Members of Holy Orders.
- Personnel practicing order of tenets.
- Professionals.
- Teaching staff and professors of the university.
- A veterinary surgeon.
- Fully committed teachers.
- Practitioner medical and veterinary.
- Professional dentist.
- Members belonging to the armed forces are on duty.
- Professional fire members.
- Members of the police departments.
- People who participated in jury duty in the county for two years need to appear by summons.
- Someone who is summoned for jury duty in the county and has participated as a petit juror in the three years before the date you should present yourself by the summons.
Use of Excuses
The court allows people to explain themselves and give out valid excuses. These excuses may be sent, emailed, or faxed to the office. Examples of the excuses include:
Ask for a Change of Date
Once you receive the notification showing the attendance date, include on the jury form that you require some changes and that you are unavailable on the suggested day. You could come up with an explanation like you have young children who need your care and cannot afford daycare.
Excuse yourself as a Student.
One can apply for their student status as an excuse for being a full-time student in a public or private school. Explain yourself by saying that you can attend lessons or lectures for easy follow-up.
Use Medical Excuses
You will hand over a medical letter from a health provider to the court showing that your medical condition hinders you from participating in jury duty.
Complex in Finance or Employment
Please submit a letter from your employer indicating that they do not pay back for jury duty and cannot allow you from work at the time mentioned.
Being bias
All you do is speak up and answer all the questions asked. In a case like a breach of contract, one can say that it’s against their religion; hence they may be forced to favor one side over the other. It means the case may not suit you, and you can be excused.
Ineligibility in Jury Duty
You may not be able to serve in Jury service because of your work. Individuals working in the administration of justice are ineligible to participate in jury duty. They include those who had jobs ten years ago with:
- Officers of court security.
- Probation Board for Northern Ireland members.
- Clerks of solicitors.
- Lay magistrates.
- Department of Justice officials.
- Officials of prisoner custody.
- Policing Board members and staff.
- Bail hostel staff.
- Students belonging to the Inn of Court of Northern Ireland or of the Law Society of Northern Ireland.
- Tribunal’s Chairman or President, Vice-Chairman, Vice-President, registrar, and his assistant.
- Members and officers belonging to the National Crime Agency.
How do I leave Jury Duty if I am self-employed?
You should write a letter indicating how you are self-employed, requesting an excuse from jury duty, and explaining how participating in the jury service would impact your business.
How do I disqualify to partake in the jury service?
One may be disqualified from jury duty if they are below 18 years of age, are not citizens of the United States, are illiterate, have been convicted of a felony, and have mental challenges.
Is anyone disqualified for jury duty if they are not registered to vote?
The law states that having not registered to vote does not disqualify you from serving in jury service.