Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) has introduced various procedures to help policyholders stay updated with their insurance policies. By registering with LIC e-Services, you can easily check your policy status regularly and avoid paying fines. In the past, these services were only available at LIC branches, but now they offer a wide range of features online.
Nowadays, everyone is aware of the advantages of life insurance and more people are opting for it. LIC is a popular choice for life insurance policies. However, it is not just important to have a policy, but also to keep track of its status. To help with this, LIC has made specific procedures available for policyholders to check their insurance policies regularly.

LIC e-Services
By registering with LIC e-Services, you can easily check your policy status and avoid being penalized for missing payments. If you want to know your LIC policy information and status without going to a branch office, here’s how you can do it.
LIC Policy Status Verification
- Go to the official website of Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC).
- Click on the “Customer Services” tab on the homepage.
- Select Policy Status under the “Customer Services” tab.
- Login using username and password.
- After logging in, you should view your policy details and current status. If you have more policies, you can add them using the ‘Enroll Policy’ option in the e-Services Tools section of LIC.
- You can check your LIC policy status details by clicking on the policy number. Policy details like policy name, term, table number, next premium due date, and sum assured will be displayed.
New Users Must Register at LIC e-Services.
- Register for e-services on the LIC home page.
- Fill out the online registration form and create LIC login credentials.
- Registration should be confirmed through the e-mail link provided.
- You can register your policy by entering details like policy number, date of birth, premium amount, etc. and clicking submit.
Imortant Details to register at LIC e-Servicess
- You should have a valid LIC in your name.
- Installment premiums should be paid without service tax.
- Policyholder details like date of birth, month and year should be kept.
- Enter your Valid mobile number along with your e-mail to get regular alerts and updates.
LIC Policy Enrollment
- After submitting the registration, click “Yes” to get the online LIC policy enrollment form.
- Enter the required details for each policy.
- Take a printout by logging in during or after registration.
- Sign the form and submit it to the nearest LIC branch mentioned for receipt.
Must Remember
- Validation of policies will be completed after necessary checks.
- Registration is required for authorized access to certain functionalities.
- Policies are based on annual premium payments but can be done monthly, quarterly or half-yearly for a small additional charge.