It is possible to cancel your Best Buy credit card online, over the phone, or by visiting a nearby Best Buy store. Anyone can cancel their Best Buy credit card quickly if they are not interested in continuing for any reason. The user cancels any Best Buy credit card by contacting the Best Buy customer service department or sending a report letter to the card issuers.
However, canceling a credit card may negatively impact your credit score. If you have a zero balance, there might be no interest, and in case your card has no annual fee, there is no harm in keeping it open. Users can also call the card issuer and ask whether they can switch to a no-annual-fee credit card.
You should complete a balance transfer before closing the card. Ensure you pay off your balance and update any subscriptions and automatic payments to a new card. Redeeming any rewards is also a way of closing your credit card, as the user gets all the tips you earned. For more information about canceling your Best Buy credit card, follow the guide below.
Cancel the Best Buy Credit Card
Choosing to close your best buy card, you need to contact the Best Buy Customer Service department by calling their support number. They also help users receive rewards and better financing on products they buy. Below is the procedure to follow to cancel your best buy credit card;
- Redeem any unused rewards before canceling. This is done to prevent losing out on the rewards you earned.
- Make a payment on your credit card accounts. Canceling a credit card with a $0 balance minimizes the score if your balance is positive on other cards.
- Check your credit card online to confirm your $0 balance.
- Contact or write a credit card request to the issuer to confirm your balance is $0 before closing.
- Recheck your credit card report cancellation after 30 to 45 days.
- In case of any query about the cancellation, open a dispute with the credit bureau such as Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian at Annual Credit Report.

How to Cancel Best Buy Credit Card over the Phone
Canceling your Best Buy Credit card is the quick and easiest way, as users can contact their customer support department through the steps below;
- Dial the customer service line at 8885741301.
- Enter your account number when prompted.
- After making a call, briefly tell the representative would like to cancel.
- Provide with necessary request information to complete the process.
- The representative will ask you about canceling. They will offer you with perks to stay.
- Once you accept the cancellation, you will receive a confirmation letter in a few days from the card issuer. The card issuer will report the cancellation to the credit reporting agencies showing the card is closed.
The user should not give out banking or other credit card details.
How to cancel Best Buy Credit Card by Email
To use this method, the user should email the Best Buy customer support team and request they cancel their account. There are numerous ways to cancel a best buy account. You can get all information under the steps below;
- Navigate to the email address associated with your best credit card.
- Input customer support by emailing the ‘To’ section through
- Enter the REQUEST TO CANCEL MY CREDIT CARD option in the subject line.
- Use your identification information like phone number and email address.
- Type a message requesting to cancel in the body section.
- You will receive a message from your email for correspondence and reply if needed.
How to Cancel a Best Buy Credit Card Online
To cancel a best buy credit card online, you need to visit your credit card’s website. Fill in the necessary details in the form and submit the request for closing the credit card. After the request is approved, you will be called by the bank representative to confirm the cancellation request. Below steps guide you to submit a Cancelation Request for Best Buy Credit Card.
- Login into your Best Buy Credit Card Online Account.
- Navigate to Manu options and choose the Cancel Account option.
- Please make sure to fill out the cancellation form with all necessary information, including relevant account details.
- Submit the Cancelation form after carefully reviewing it.
- You will get a Confirmation message with a reference number for your request.
Based on the reports, a support agent will give you a call to inquire about your cancellation request prior to processing it.
What after Cancelling Best Buy Credit Card
When a credit card is cancelled, the closed account will still be present on your reports for approximately seven years if it had a negative impact and ten years if it had a positive impact.
How can you cancel your Best Buy credit card?
You can close your card by redeeming your rewards, calling your bank, sending a cancellation letter, confirming your credit report and paying off all remaining balance.